Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tape Backup Drives and Tape Libraries

Although tape storage is one of the older ways to backup computer data, it remains one of the most popular and reliable ways to store data. Tape backup drives have come a long way since IBM developed the technology in the 1950's. Today's systems are a complex network of tape drives and tape libraries that store the data of the world's largest corporations.
Aside from reliability, the other factor that makes tape drives so successful is their scalability and low cost. Tape backup drive technology can range from well under $1,000 dollars for a simple system for a small business or well into the 100's of thousands of dollars for a large corporation.
As a business grows, tape libraries can expand to meet new data demands without a complete rebuild of the system. These tape libraries, are storage devices build to hold multiple tape drives. Some tape libraries are monstrous, with thousands of cataloged tapes containing barcodes to identify the data. Most businesses won't need tape libraries of this magnitude. The majority of tape libraries sold start with a mere 10 slot, 1 drive and the larger units can support 12 drives with the slot count exceeding 500 before expansion units are required. Many businesses with a plan to grow, start with 1 or 2 tape drives solutions and as many of the libraries are modular, the slot count can grow very easily.
How much storage size do you need?
For a small operation, a good rule of thumb is to choose a current model tape drive, invest in the media and over time move to a library, utilizing a similar tape drive or one that will be backward compatible. A good backup system will operate seamlessly without much maintenance.
Choosing a tape drive that fits your backup window
Ideally, the backup of your data should occur when the systems are not in operation. If your business closes during certain hours of the day, then you'll have fewer restrictions when it comes to choosing tape drives. However, if your business operates round the clock, you might want to implement a different strategy called "disk to disk to tape" where data is stored to a second disk and then recorded on tape drives, from the secondary storage while you continue to operate.
Consider the maintenance costs
While you'll buy a tape backup drive only once, you'll be buying tape for your tape drives on a regular basis. When shopping for tape drives and tape libraries, inquire about the cost of the media. A tape backup drive that is more expensive than its competitor may work out to be more cost effective over the long run if the cost of media is less expensive.When implementing a tape backup drive system, its best to consult with a professional who will learn about your current business needs and future plans and help you design the most cost effective and reliable system. Otherwise, you find yourself purchasing completely new equipment when it's time to grow or buying mismatched equipment. Vendors are often the best no-cost resources for quality consultation on tape drive architecture and can help you get a system in place that is cost effective, reliable, and perfectly suits your needs.

A Novices Experience-PHP5 & MySQL

As an 'internet Marketing' newbie I recently was forced to set up a server on my laptop so I could properly test web-sites written in php code. I am pretty much a html sort of guy and have come back around to the internet after an absence of five or six years, to find things have moved on, and that you need to be able to use this sort of stuff to do Internet marketing properly- article sights, pre made web-sites etc.
I was unable to open these 'pre-made' sights directly in Interent explorer and was only able to get a vague idea of what they looked like by opening them in Dreamweaver- which recognizes php code. I tried to open these sites in a web browser but was told I needed a local server. "How do I do that"? I asked.So, I had no way to see what the final product would look like until I put it on my 'proper' Internet server - not a very efficient way to do things if you want to change elements around.
After a bit of a hunt around on the Internet I discovered that I needed to set up a testing server on my own computer. It seemed the easy way to do this was to get Apache server , PHP, and my SQL database installed on my machine. As there were no e-books available on this. [Is that a Niche Market?] I took a trip to my local bookstore and came away with something I thought would do the job.There I was, filled with excitement and new ideas that this would all be nice and easy. But of course, it wasn't. My first problem was that the book told me to get Apache 1.3. But I could only find only find an Apache two download.
A search for 'Apache 1.3 download 'gives the following 'official' site -but you have to look closely to find the 'ARCHIVE' file! Which is where the 1.3 versions live. Apparently The PHP people don't think their software works as well on the Apache2 software- probably still being ironed out- but I wanted to do what the book says. Find 1.3 versions here:

PostgreSQL Database in cPanel

This article will explain you on how to manage MySQL or PostgreSQL database in cPanel. After logging into cPanel you will find the MySQL or PostgreSQL icons. CPanel screen lets you to create or work with those types of databases. CPanel uses a similar interface for both types of databases, that’s why most of the web host offers MySQL.
On the MySQL/PostgreSQL cpanel screen you will see four main sections as shown in the figure below. The very first section lets you to create and work with the database. Below that there is another section which allows you to create database users that will be able to access the databases. Next section is to setup remote access to your databases only if your web host allows. At last there is a hyperlink given to phpMyAdmin or phpPgAdmin, the web interfaces for advanced work with your databases.
MySQL PostgreSQL Database cPane
lHow to create a database?
Its not so hard to create database, but there are few things you will need to know. The first thing you are gonna need to create database is the last item in database section. Just write the name of the database into the Db: field and simply click on Add Db button. The database of the name will be created. There will be slightly difference in actual database name you have chosen. It will be created with your cPanel username and with an underscore added before the name you chosen. For example: domain_database1.
How to create a database user?
To use a created database you need atleast one user into the database. For creating a new user simply type a username and password in the “users:” section and click on Add User. A new user will be created immediately. The database username will look like this “domain_robin“.
Now, how to add a user to the database?
Now you have to associate the above created user with the database. Now, if you check out the above Add Db field it has a set of drop-down lists. The first field allows you to select a user that you have created and in second field you have to select the database that you want to associate with that user. Now just click on Add User to Db and its done. Also, you can add a single user to multiple databases if you wish to.Once you have associated a user with the database you will notice that the listing for that database get more detailed. It will show you the database name followed by some links to delete or repair the database and then you will be able to see all the users in the database. Also, it will show you some sample code that shows you how to connect to the database in PHP, Perl or JDBC script.
How to remove or repair a database?Just next to the username there is a button called Delete, but this can be confusing as deleting a user from a database will only remove the user and all the records the user had in that database. It will not affect the actual user you created, it will still work in other databases. As well as there is Check button given to check database for problems, and if it has any errors just click on Repair. And still if that doesn’t work then you must contact your web host.

manage workforce-Time & Attendance tools

Time & attendance tools are the indispensable tools when you have a work force to manage or when you have flexible time around shifts. The attendance requesters to control time recording as a way of data collection around the time and attendance of the workforce is an ancient concept. In case you need to ensure that you are paying your employees as per the actual time and attendance then you should either have those high end softwares that would give you a detailed report of the time & attendance of your work force or you could have those access control systems employed.
To choose from the time & attendance tool and the access control system, you need to consider two things primarily. The first is the luxury of budget that you have and secondly the kind of workforce or the strength of work force that you have. In case you have a huge work force then there is no argument, you would need to go for the access control. As this would not only take care of the time recording and data collection but would at the same time restrict any unauthorized entrance in your work building. This is relatively expensive and is employed by people who have either a large number of people working for them or where in security is the primary concern.
On the other hand there are any time and attendance tools. These would help your data collection around time recording when you have flexible time shifts. The only thing that this tool would not do is restrict unauthorized access to your work building like the access control. As no matter whichever tool you would be using for time & attendance data collection, the employee would have to be at the work place to do so. In case of the access control, when the employee shows his ID, he is marked present and the time is noted. This has its own benefits but then the budget is a major player here.